Sunday, February 10, 2008

Beginning Spanish via Alfredo Lesson 2

1. Wall.................................... Pared (la).................. pah-red
2. Hammer............................. Martillo (el)............... mar-tee-yoh
3. Nail..................................... Clavo (el)................... klah-voh
4. Tasty.................................. Sabroso/a................. sah-broh-soh/sah
5. Husband............................. Esposo (el)................ es-poh-soh
6. Wife................................... Esposa (la)................ es-poh-sah
7. Daughter............................ Hija (la)..................... ee-hah
8. Son/child............................ Hijo (el)..................... ee-hoh
9. Grandfather....................... Abuelo (el)................ ah-bweh-loh
10. Grandmother..................... Abuela (la)................ ah-bweh-lah
11. Grandchild/Grandson......... Nieto (el)................... nee-eh-toh
12. Granddaughter................... Nieta (la)................... nee-eh-tah
13. Neighbor............................ Vecino (el)................. veh-see-noh
If your neighbor is a female, use “vecina”
14. Neighborhood.................... Barrio (el).................. bah-rree-oh

Team Meeting Update

The lunch fundraiser netted the team more than $500 in support. Thanks again for all the supporters who helped the team prepare and for everyone who came to lunch.

Our new set of Spanish phrases will up posted soon. Don't forget to practice.

Don't forget to be praying for the Team Leaders and Team Participants.

We're close to having 40% of our Team funds in. Don't forget to send out your individual support letters over the next couple of weeks.

Our departure will have our team leaving out of Knoxville, TN on Friday 7/11 and returning to Knoxville on Sunday 7/20.

The next team meeting is set for Sunday, March 9 at 3 p.m. at the Parish House.

Hams for Sale for Easter Weekend

15-17 lb Smoked and Glazed Hams are now for sale for Easter Weekend.

They will be ready to pick-up at the church on the evening of Friday 3/21 and Saturday morning 3/22.

Half Hams are $30 and Whole Hams are $55.

You can contact any team member to order or contact Skip Little at or 859.625.2824.