Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fundraiser Lunch This Sunday

You are invited to join us for a Fundraiser Lunch
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Location: Parish House
Time: 12:15 until 2:00 pm

Baked Chicken Breast cooked with Country Ham, sour cream, and cream of mushroom

Green Beans cooked in Chicken Broth
Mashed Potatoes
Tossed Salad
Homemade Sourdough Bread w/assorted Jellies

Assorted Fruit Cobblers

Tea, Lemonade, Punch, and Honduran Coffee

Host: Berea UMC Missions Committee and 2010 Romania Summer Mission Team

Donations will benefit 2010 BUMC Romania Mission Team

Friday, January 15, 2010

United Methodist response Haiti Earthquake

Haiti Earthquake News
Posted by Dalton Rushing at 3:50pm UMVIM, SEJ continues to respond to the earthquake in Haiti. We praise God for the news that our friends at UMCOR and Mission Volunteers are alive after spending 55 hours trapped in the rubble of the Hotel Montana! Still, we recognize that for tens of thousands of other families, the news is not so good. We know that as God calls us to the broken places of the world, that we will be working in Haiti for many years.

At the request of UMCOR, we will continue to be the clearinghouse for individuals from the SEJ interested in traveling to Haiti to assist in disaster recovery and humanitarian aid. Interested missioners can visit and enter their contact information into the form on that page. This list of contacts will be activated as soon as UMVIM has news about scheduling a mission trip to Haiti.

Please continue to give to UMCOR as they do the important work of initial recovery. You can give online at

This will be the last notification concerning this phase of the Haiti disaster, barring major new developments. Continue to watch for ongoing news.