This post today is from the journal of one of our team members, Chuck Conley. The internet connection here is really slow and the cafe closes early. Tomorrow I will try to post two posts if possible. Tonight I also was able to post a few photos. You can see them from the link to the photos.
Everyone is doing great and we are all safe.
Chuck's entry:
We left Berea about 12am on July 10th. Arrived at the airport in Knoxville at 3:30am. Houston at 7am, then San Pedro Sula at 11am.
The drive from San Pedro Sula was quite an experience. This was a 4 to hour trip to Tegucigalpa. Our drivers were aggressive as are all drivers here, and although most miles were on 2 lane highways all the driver considered them three lane highways. What appeared to us to be narrow escapes were, I am sure, every day driving experiences. Another surprise was the mountainous terrain. Most of the driving was up mountains and then down. It was high enough to make the air much cooler.
Tegucigalpa was a surprise in that it was in a bowl in the mountains with houses stacked on the hills and 2 lane streets with buildings and houses right up to the street. Traffic was chaos. No stop signs and if there was one occasionally ti was ignored.
It was a shock to many of our gang to find guards with shotguns at places we stopped.
The hill sides have been denuded with very few trees to provide fuel for cooking. Man 1 room shacks, no doors, no glass in windows. They use cloth coverings. Many hammocks on porches. Many bicycles on the roads, along with many older vehicles. Horses and cows tid up on the side of the roads where they grazed.
We stayed in the Casal Bed and Breakfast in Tegucigalpa and had dinner in an Italian restaurant down the street. Charles Bertrand gave a short devotional.
After about 22 hours of traveling every one was extremely tired. We went to ed about 9:30m local time. It is 6:50am on the 12th and we are getting ready for breakfast and the two hour trip to El Paraiso.
The team is an interesting mix. I have bee surprised at the lack of awareness of time and place. Perhaps this comes with age. I think Alex is opening up more as many of us have been showing support for him. It is good to interact with the younger people. They are wide eyed. Maxine did not go to dinner last evening. The day was difficult for her although Jon and I handled her baggage for her. She seems recovered this morning. Although I left not feeling well I did Ok yesterday and feel still better this morning, not 100% yet.
It is a great asset to have Alfredo with us. It makes everything much easier. He is also a great people person. He reminds me of Morris.
One of the funniest things was watching people sleep on the 5 hour trip to Tegucigalpa. Bobble heads were everywhere!
Yes, Chuck! I'm sure Alfredo has already been telling stories of the bus rides in Valparaiso Chile - they are very similar to what you described in Honduras! Like a roller coaster ride except the death-defying speeds and curves are for real! What a great adventure everyone is having.
And what a perspective-changing experience it is to see so many people living in housing that barely shelters them from the weather, in need of so much and yet thankful for their blessings.
You are one of those blessings, and we pray God will do a mighty work through all of you this week.
Worried for you Dad. Please take care of yourself as well as everyone else. Remember, Jesus can be anywhere and everywhere, and looking for him when you are tired or frustrated or hot, or whatever will make your experience that much better! Love to you a11, kristin
Good writing Chuck. May you each feel God's Hand upon you.
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